Apr 8, 2009

Sunny Days Are Here Again!!

Today was my husbands first day of vacation and boy! did I put him to work!! The weather was wonderful for some spring clean up outside. Our yard is such a mess at the house we're renting. Between the branches falling from the half-dead tree, the mud, ant hills, and weeds...oh yeah and dog poop....we just can't keep up with it! Corey and I were saying today that if we owned this house all of the money for renovations would have to go just toward the yard! It's ridiculous! We ended up spending 3-4 hours just on raking! We really did have a good time together though, which we needed desperately! The kids slept almost the whole time so we were able to just be out in the fresh air and spring sunshine, ALONE. It was great! We ended the day with bbq chicken and watching Hannah's favorite movie...Transformers :) ha ha (seriously, she asks to watch it all the time!)

So on a different note, I just take the last bite of dinner and my phone rings. Our friend Rudy is calling me. When I answer the phone, he's all "Jennifer just wanted me to call you to see if you're on your way?" I immediatly answer, "To where?" He goes, "um.....your volleyball game!?" Long silence..... "Is it Wednesday?! Oh my gosh, I'll be right there!" LOL I guess I had too much sun today. We were finally sitting down to relax and I completly forgot about my game!
So now, I'm pooped and ready for bed so we can have another productive day tomorrow. Thank you God for blessing us with such a wonderful day!

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Words from my children.....

After reading a verse out of the Bible to Hannah and Marshall....Hannah asks, "listen to Him?" I said, "Yes...we always have to listen and obey what God says" She turns to Marshall points to his chest and says, "buddy this is your heart...Jesus lives in there"

When trying to turn off all the lights in the house so we can watch a movie I told her I wanted to leave one of the lamps on and she replied, " but mom...there's no problem. There's a light on the TV!"

Marshall has learned that he likes whipped cream out of the can and has also learned how to imitate the sound it makes when it comes out...so everytime I open the fridge he runs over and starts making that sound telling me he wants some. He has also started doing this when he sees it at the grocery store! If you can kind of make the "k" sound in the back of your throat...that's what it sounds like! haha

When praying for our breakfast one morning.."Dear Jesus, thank you for this food and help us have a good day, and help Jesus to have a good day too cause I love Him in my heart. Jesus name...Amen!"